Category: Bible

  • Actions proceed from our identity

    Oftentimes we want to change our actions, but we fail to understand that our actions proceed from our identity. Starting point I’m not perfect. You’re not perfect. That is an important first step in personal growth. Now that you have come to grips with that fact, you’ll need to decide what needs to change. Do…

  • Being an Armor Bearer

    I’ve been thinking this week about being an armor bearer. My thoughts were provoked by reading the story of Jonathan and his armor bearer in 1 Samuel 14. You can read the full story here. Outlining the story There is a fight brewing between two armies. Jonathan is the son of the king. One day…

  • Studying the Bible

    Studying the Bible can be a rewarding activity. The book is thousands of years old and offers life changing information. Here are some Bible study tips to help you get started. Bibles You’re obviously going to need a Bible. This might seem simple, but the Bible was not originally written in English. The first section…

  • Meditating through Holy Week

    Today is Easter Sunday and this year I enjoyed meditating throughout “Holy Week” using the Lectio 365 app. I’m from a family of protestants and I wouldn’t know what to do in a Catholic church. For this reason, I haven’t been raised thinking about “Holy Week”. Meditating with Lectio 365 I’ve developed a habit of…

  • Reading the Bible

    Reading the Bible is something that few people do. Many talk about things that they think are in the Bible but are actually not there. In order to really know what is in this book you’ll need a plan that will help you read the entire Bible. It’s a big book, it’ll take some time…