Category: Lynchburg Christian Academy

  • Moving to TKA

    I spent 10 years as the band director at Lynchburg Christian Academy (LCA) and felt that it might be time to leave. The King’s Academy (TKA) had expressed some interest in me. But, was moving to West Palm Beach, Florida my next step. The Courtship My inquiry regarding the TKA job was met with an…

  • Time to go?

    How did I know that it was time to go? 1999 marked my 10th year as the band director at Lynchburg Christian Academy (LCA). I had gone from my first competition to Bands of America (BOA) Grand Nationals while I was there. Why leave? Band parents The parents at LCA were mostly very supportive. They…

  • 1999 Bands of America Nationals

    In 1999 I was able to realize the dream of taking a band to Bands of America (BOA) Nationals. I was in my 10th year as director of the Lynchburg Christian Academy (LCA) band. We had attended BOA regionals since 1995 and had won a regional class championship in 1997. Now was the time to…

  • Losing a student

    Losing a student is one of the most difficult things any teacher will experience. If you teach long enough I suppose it is inevitable that you’ll run face first into this emotional wall. Our band (Lynchburg Christian Academy) experienced this loss in 1999 when we lost Chris. Chris Chris was a well loved baritone player.…

  • Entering the winner’s circle

    I’ve written in previous posts about my ambitions as a band director. I was propelled into directing with the desire to return to the Bands of America (BOA) winner’s circle. My first high school directing job was at Lynchburg Christian Academy (LCA). We made our first BOA run in 1995 and it was a BIG…