Category: Teaching tips

  • Hacking Classroom Management Revisited

    Hacking classroom management revisited. Last year I posted a four part series book review on “Hacking classroom management” by Mike Roberts. This post will give my perspective on the 10 hacks after working to incorporate many of them into my classroom. Big winners The biggest winners from the 10 hacks are hack number 8, 9…

  • 36th year of teaching

    On Friday I turned in my paperwork and officially completed my 36th year of teaching. So, what have I learned? Administrators Administrators make a world of difference. For 28 years I worked with administrators who, for the most part, were indifferent to what I was doing with the band. I remember telling an administrator about…

  • First year of teaching

    My 36th year of teaching is coming to a close and I thought today would be a good day to give educators some encouragement from my first year of teaching. And, yes, I can remember that far back. Keep your sense of humor If you are going to stay in teaching for more than a…

  • Hacking classroom management part 4

    Hacking classroom management part 4. We’ve been looking at the 10 hacks for classroom management from Mike Roberts’s book, “Hacking classroom management“. Check out hack 1 & 2 in post #1 and hack 3 & 4 in post #2. Hacks 5 – 7 were covered in post #3. I highly recommend that you check out…

  • Hacking classroom management part 3

    Hacking classroom management part 3. We’ve been looking at classroom management through the lens of the book, “Hacking Classroom Management” by Mike Roberts. Teachers can’t effectively communicate content to their class if the class is not well managed. Post number 1 dealt with Hack 1 It’s a classroom, not a bootcamp and Hack 2 Expect…