Post number 100
Post number 100. Today marks my 100th blog so I thought I would review some of my previous posts. Most Popular Book Review Hacking Classroom Management. I read this book in the summer of 2023 and thought that it would make a nice series of posts. It has become one of the most consistently viewed…
Top books of 2024
Top books of 2024. We’re at the end of another year and that means it’s time for reflection. Today I’ll be highlighting 5 of my favorite books from 2024. I tried to select from different genres and the list below is not in any particular order. Business/leadership How The Mighty Fall: And Why Some Companies…
Bigger and better at church
Bigger and better at church? It’s the holiday season and big churches with big budgets are putting on big productions. Whatever it takes Many churches have adopted the ‘whatever it takes’ mentality to get people to come to church. The philosophy is, ‘as long as it’s not sinful, it’s useful’. And I can see the…
The return of Christ
The return of Christ. I’ve been thinking about Christ’s return which is one of the central beliefs for Christians. 11 and said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven.” Acts 1:11 Early church…
Holly Jolly Holiday Concert
Holly Jolly Holiday Concert. Another holiday concert is in the books. If you want some insight into my concert planning process, I blogged about it here. What made this particular concert memorable? Great kids The kids have to prepare their music. That is obvious. What isn’t as obvious is that the kids have a lot…