Author: ericdunn

  • Practicing change

    I have spent my professional career as a band director working with students on music preparation. One of the keystones to that work has been the fundamental skill of “Practicing like you want to perform”. Students don’t come into a chorus or band class with an understanding of how to perform at the highest level.…

  • The influence of Men

    My early life was primarily influenced by two men. One was my father, Gene Orlin Dunn and the other was my band director, L.J. Hancock. Dad My father was a payroll supervisor at Fisher Body. He worked 60 plus hours a week while I was growing up. For a while he worked night shifts which…

  • The Jesus Revolution

    Yesterday I went to see the movie, “The Jesus Revolution“. The movie is about the beginning of the Jesus Movement started in California in the 1970’s. One of the effects of the movement was the start of churches by the name of Calvary Chapel. Calvary Chapel churches and their original pastor, Chuck Smith have meant…

  • Books

    I like to read. Most of my reading is in the realm of non-fiction. But that is not the way I started. Early reading When I was a kid growing up in Pennsylvania, I used to go to the local library in Irwin, Pennsylvania. The kids books were downstairs which on hot summer days was…

  • First Post!

    Like the web address says, my name is Eric P Dunn. I’ve been a full time teacher since 1988. Along the way I’ve had many experiences that I share with students. Over the past few years I’ve felt the pull to begin sharing these experiences with a larger audience. If you’ve stumbled into this post,…